Saturday, April 30, 2011

33 Weeks!!

For the most part I am feeling better than ever! I am super super tired ALL THE TIME but other than that I really can't complain! Which makes me so happy! I always wondered what it was like to say, "My pregnancy was perfect!!"

I have to brag now....I did a wheel at yoga the other night!!  For those of you who don't know what the wheel is, it is basically that crazy backbend you used to do when you were little.  I haven't been doing it in fear that it would stretch my belly too much. I decided to buck up and give it a whirl! I DID IT!! In fact, I did it three times! I worked hard during that yoga class so I decided to skip spin afterwards and go home and spend the evening with my boys! I am so proud of myselfvfor keeping up with exercise during this pregnancy! I am hoping it makes a huge difference in my recovery! I miss running soooooo much so hopefully I can snap back into that soon also!

I have a consultation appointment next week to schedule my c-section!! I am really excited about it! It means there is gonna be a sweet smelling baby in my arms soon, very soon!!! It will be kinda fun to know the exact time and date of my baby's birthday! We won't have to play the waiting game like "real" moms :) The surgery doesn't scare me but I really am not looking forward to the recovery. I was in lots of pain after Blake and don't know how I will chase him around and take care of a brand new baby and recover!!! I guess I will just keep praying that God gives me strength!!

I am starting to feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done around the house before baby arrives! Blake will have to share his room so we have rearranging to do in there. The crib needs to be put back together, shelves needs to be painted and put up, baby clothes need to be sorted, washed and organized. Not to mention all the Spring cleaning I need to get done in the rest of the house! AHHH!!! It will get done right???

Well that was a bunch of babbling that you could careless about but I told you anyway!!!


8 more spin classes
12 more yoga classes
5 more weekends
3 more grocery shopping trips (I go every 2 weeks)
2 weekends in Pagosa (one when sister pops and one for my cousin's graduation)
LOTS more snuggles with my Blakey before he has to share his Momma (I am not looking forward to that at all, kinda nervous)
5 more doctor appointments
I am sure there are tons more "countdowns" I am missing but theses are the major things in our schedules :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Over the hill again!!

This last weekend John was invited by a friend to go turkery hunting in Pagosa Springs. So of course I agree to tag along :) I never miss a chance to visit my sister! We packed up Saturday evening and headed over the hill! John dropped Blake and I off at the Phillips' house and headed up to camp for an early morning of hunting.
 Trying on Daddy's boots!!
 "Daddy can I go hunting too?!?!"
 My beautiful sister!
 Yummy chocolate malt!!
 Me and my boys slurping it up!
 Love this family so much I can hardly stand it!!

The weather in Pagosa was beautiful! We walked to church on Sunday and when we got home to our suprise John pulled up!! I didn't expect him until dark :) I love when I get to see my man unexpectedly!!!! At that point we decided a trip to the Malt Shoppe was in need for some lunch and a milkshake!! Yummy :) After lunch we went back to the house and hung out in the yard and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We headed home from our little trip at about 5:00 and were so thankful for our time with the Phillips once again!! It will probably be the last time I get to see my sister's big ole belly before she has that little peanut in her arms :) Oh just thinking about these babies makes me tear up!!!

Quack Quack

I love this picture! Blake and his snotty nose and the duck looks like it is trying to smile :) 

We bought some new baby ducks!! Since we have had chickens John has always wanted Mallard Ducks so we ordered two pairs of Mallard and three pairs of white ducks (not sure the real name for the white ones). Blake loves going out to help us water and feed the ducks! Goodness they are soooooo stinkin' cute!! I can't wait till they are big enough to get out in the chicken yard and swim in the pond.....the way the get out of the water and shake their little booties is hilarious!

Big ole bellies!

I get to be pregnant at the same time as my sister and one of my best friends!! Kellyn and DeEtte are due within days of eachother in May and I am about 5 weeks behind them. It has been really fun to share this experience with girls I am so close to!!!

Family Vacation

Sometimes family vacations aren't always taken as a whole family! This time it means that the whole family left the house at the same time :) One weekend in March John went on a boy's motorcycle trip to Moab, UT. He works so hard all year long he deserves to go on a trip and have a blast with the guys! They left on a Friday morning and came home on a Monday night. Well, I don't like to stay home alone so Blake and I packed up and headed over the hill to spend the four days with my sister and her family. They live in Pagosa Springs, about an hour and a half away.

My sister has two kids. Hadley is the most precious girl ever!!! She will be five in May and Weston is a total boy! He will be three in June. He is six months older than Blake so the boys have lots of fun getting into trouble together! We had sooooo much fun with them while we were there. We went to the Hot Springs Pool, ate pizza, had a movie night, and my sister and I squeezed in some sewing time during naps to make her a new crib bumper for her new baby that will be arriving in the next couple weeks!!!! Yay for more cousins!!!

This is what Daddy was up to while we were having our own fun at the Phillips house!!

Snuggling my sister kitty "Gus"

 The boys helped Uncle Oli make pancakes for breakfast.
 I love my little tractor boy!! Dirt Dirt Dirt!
 Yummy dinner!!

 Once DeEtte has her baby and I have this baby I think we are gonna have to search for a bigger bath tub :)
 Making popcorn for movie night!!!

 Horton Hears a Who on the big screen!!!

 I can't wait to snuggle the little baby that is going to sleep in this crib!!!
Saying good bye to the Phillips!!

What a great weekend! Blake and I made it home about 30 minutes before John got home! We were all excited to be home again but it was such a wonderful breath of fresh air we all got and came home ready to take on life again!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011


We pray before we eat and we pray before we sleep here in the Anderson house. Well, so far that is when Blake prays with us. As for me and my God, we talk ALL DAY LONG!!!!! If you were in a house full of toddlers I am sure you would be doing the same thing! Lately Blake has been wanting to only pray for the swimming makes me giggle. I always ask him what we should pray for and he yells, "simmin poo!!" Too cute!!! Who cares about the food we have been blessed with, or the Mommy and Daddy that take care of him, or the friends he gets to spend his days with!! As long as that "simmin poo" is well prayed for then life is great in the eyes of Blakey!!!