Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bountiful Baskets

Have you ever heard of Bountiful Baskets? It is a produce co-op. We have been participating in it since May of last year. I LOVE IT!!! We have always eaten lots of produce but this has helped us be able to afford MORE!!! The base price is $15 for a basket. There is usually 50% fruit and 50% veggies. We eat so much produce that I get 2 baskets.
So for $30 last week I got yams, cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, green beans, cucumbers, apples, strawberries, pears and bananas.
I got 3 pounds of strawberries. At the store right now they are $4 a pound. That is $12!! Have the cost of my basket!!
I am so thankful we get to be apart of this wonderful co-op!!

Jonna's Therapy

I haven't let this freezing cold winter let me get away with not running. I need it more than ever being stuck in the house with kids so I have been running on the treadmill at the gym twice a week and on Saturdays once it gets above 5* I am layering up and headed out to pound my feet on the dirt roads!! It is seriously so good for my head to get out there and be alone!! My family also benefits from it because otherwise I am a GROUCH!!! Momma needs her exercise!!
I have also started teaching yoga twice a week. It is a great way to keep my body healthy for my runs!...hmm that doesn't sound quite right ;) Let's try that again. Yoga is a great way to stretch out my running muscles and keep me injury free!! There ya go, I don't have the runs, but I like to run!! hehe
When Momma is happy the whole house is happy....Or at least it's a lot easier to deal with the little grouches that run around here :)



In our last Bountiful Basket we got lots of very yummy strawberries. So last night I ran into the store to get milk and coffee and grabbed some oh so bad for your dessert cups and some spray whipped topping. BUT I ran 3 miles and taught 2 yoga classes yesterday so I thought this dessert was well deserved!!

And it was enjoyed by ALL!!!!

Cabin Fever

The boys are so tired of being stuck in the house. We had a VERY cold streak here and it didn't get about 0* for weeks!! I tried my best to keep the boys busy in the house.
Blake got this race track from Uncle Chet and Katie. Very fun as long as you have the right
cars on it!

 A new Playdough truck!!

 Trever's first time painting! He loved it too much!

We played with shaving cream on the table!

Spider Man got an important call from Mama Sandy!!

Daddy's snowmobile gear is fun stuff!!


So John had two weeks off of work during Christmas and New Years and he spend every waking moment riding his snowmobile. Which I am very thankful he has something fun to go do BUT being home with the boys 24/7, not to mention it was too cold outside to do anything fun with them, I was DONE!!! I needed a family break!!! I made hotel reservations and when John came home I told him we were getting out of town for a night/day! We stayed in Colorado Springs and then the next morning headed to Denver to check out the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I thought it would be something fun for Blake. Too bad the place was so incredibly  packed we couldn't hardly participate in any of the exhibits :( But it was still fun to get out and see some fun things!
(I don't know why these pictures wouldn't turn...oh well, you gotta turn your head I guess:)and they were taken on my phone so please excuse the terrible quality!)
Exploring the lamp at the hotel

I got to snuggle this week sleeping boy. Oh man, I don't want him to grow up!!

He wouldn't leave the microwave and fridge alone!!!

Blake thought it was cool to see the Earth!!

These are my giant Devil horns! Don't make me mad I tell ya!!

Grizzly bear!! Blake was very afraid of all of the bears here.

I was so mad when we got back to the car and this Explorer parked so close to us! John had to back up so we could get in!! They are lucky they didn't bang my car or I would have whipped out the above Devil Horns!!

We stopped at Mimi's Café in Colorado Springs on the way home because it is one of my favorite places to eat. Unfortunately Trev had only napped 30 minutes all day so this kid was a ROYAL MESS during dinner!!! We scarfed and got out of there as fast as we could!!
It was so nice to just be with our little family! I came home feeling so refreshed!! I love my boys....all three of them!