Friday, January 25, 2013


How come getting ready to go do errands is so much easier than getting ready to go to church? How come the whole house gets so angry just because I asked them to eat breakfast on Sunday mornings? Or put shoes on? Any other day of the week they are more than happy to get the day going. I feel like Sunday mornings are so tense sometimes between all of us. I feel that those days are the days that we need to be at church more than ever. I know the Devil is trying to get us to just not go...anything he can do to keep us from the Word he will do. If that means teaching my kid to talk back to his momma when he is normally a great rule follower then he will do it. If that means John and I argue about who is going to brush the boys teeth then that darn Devil will push for the argument to happen. Any way, shape or form of making a tiff in my house on Sunday morning he is going to do it!! ARG!!!
Well thankfully my love for the Lord is so strong I fought back one Sunday. John was out of town so it was just me and the boys headed to praise our God. Well, just like any other Sunday the Devil was hard at work! The boys were up to NO GOOD while getting ready to go. I was soooo close to just giving up and saying, "Fine, let's just stay home!", but I didn't. I packed the dirty rotten boys up and headed to church. I put Trever in the nursery RIGHT away. And as soon as Blake was released for Lily Pad I was MORE than happy to get him out of my sight! Please, Lord just give me 30 minutes to be with YOU!! I felt like the message that day was just for me! I came out feeling like a new Mom!! I was excited to hear what Blake learned and couldn't wait to get Trever out of the nursery and back in my arms!! As we were walking to the car I was talking to a friend and turned around to find THIS....................................
I snapped this picture and made it to the car just in time before the tears started rolling down my face. I am so very thankful the Lord picked me to be the mom to these beautiful little men! What a blessing they are! Some days I feel like they teach me way more than I can ever teach them! And on this specific day I am so glad I listened to my Redeemer and went to church! My dirty rotten boys, and more importantly ME, came out of church all clean from the power of the Blood!! Thank you Jesus!!!!

Go tell it on the mountain!!!

I am so thankful for Christmas. What a special time of year. We get to celebrate the birth of the most important person in my life, JESUS CHRIST!!!

This year we had a great guest for Christmas. John's sister, Kathleen, came out for a few days. I love her to pieces and so do my boys. John took her on a snowmobile ride on Christmas Eve and I got to go on a nice four mile walk on Christmas day with her and of course the boys got some good snuggles from her the whole time.

Christmas Eve we went to a play at our church then headed back to Grandma Martha's for some potato soup. YUMMY!!!

My twins.... 2 1/2 years apart :)

Christmas morning we had John's Aunt and Uncle, Kathleen and Grandma Martha and my Mom and Dad over for some breakfast goodies and to exchange gifts! We are so blessed to live so close to family!!
Buzz Lightyear jammies!!!

Babies crack me up on Christmas. They just walk around like they are loony because they have no clue what is going on... "Here Trev, open this  present!!" "OH A FOOT REST?!?!"

Super heroes!!

"And a new chair?!?! You guys are so thoughtful!!"

Captain America mask!

He looks really enthused but he really did love his new cell phone case!

Candy cane!!

"I'll just lay here in this mess of paper and this weird ribbon!"
Trev got new boots!

I fall in love with these boys over and over again daily!!

Mama Bobbie and Papa Marvin

Cooking eggs!!

The one and only "Aunt Kat"
Our breakfast club!!


Aunt Laurie and Uncle Keith. We love them to pieces!

Sweet Grandma Martha!!

Playing super heroes with Aunt Kat

She is such an inspiration to me!!
After all of the jazz at our house we headed to my Grandma Sue's for Christmas on my momma's side. We always have a blast with this crew!
My cousin Shea, my sister and me!!

My mom on the left and her sister on the right.
What a sweet family! The Phillip's Family

We all SMILED!!!

Mommy and Daddy

My Aunt Lvonne, Uncle Terry and Shea

My brother Chester and his beautiful girlfriend Katie.
All five kids in one shot!!

The big kids got BB guns!

Chet and Katie are the kid magnets! :0)

What a great Christmas was had by all!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

We have a 4 yr old!!!

Someone please oh please tell me house the little boy on the left in the picture below was born 4 years ago!!! I don't know how time goes by so fast! He makes parenting so challenging but because of the super crazy moments it makes the happy moments even more rewarding. I love this kid like crazy. I love the little phrases he has said during the last four year. This last summer his favorite thing to say was, "Snoking moxy!" He got it off of a movie and it really means smoking moxy. He used to say it when someone was trying to talk to him and he was avoiding the conversation. Then one day he just stopped saying it...kind of made me sad! Just like all of the other random phrases he has said. They seemed to last forever and then one day just gone! I can't wait to see how he grows and changes in the next year!
Blake wanted a LarryBoy birthday party. So what my birthday boy wants he gets!

We had some yummy ham and beans for dinner!

How cute is Grandma Sue and Glenpa!!

Trever is learning tricks..."Blink NOW and she can't see my eyes!"

Here is LARRYBOY!!!!

I love this kid!!!


Look at those boys jealous that I got the first lick of icing!! ;)

Mama Bobbie was bringing him some balloons! So excited!

And then this face?!? What the heck happen to the smile?

Two sets of best friends!!

Three out of four of Blake and Trever's great grandma's!!

This sweet girl is my brother's girlfriend Katie. She is helping the boys put together some Lego army helicopter! We LOVE her!!!

A great time was had by all!!