Thursday, December 29, 2011


I am sooo behind on this it's not even funny :( Oh well, here are some cute things that have been going on around here in the last 5 months!! FIVE MONTHS?!?!?!? Where on earth has that time gone??!?!?!
 Trever's 2 month check up! I can't tell you his stats because I am a terrible mom and don't remember these things :( All I know is he was and still is healthy!!
 Sooooo, Trever turned out to be a sad colicy baby!! I tried everything in the world to help him out! I breastfeed him so I cut out everything you can imagine! I was down to plain pasta, pb&j's, and cereal and he was still SCREAMING from 10:00pm until 3:00am!! We tried swaddling, rocking, swinging, singing, driving, and nothing worked!! We finally decided that the chiropractor was our last resort! I was willing to do anything to get my baby to stop screaming! One visit to see Dr. Cody and Trever was a brand new baby! Sleeping better, eating better, spitting up less and stopped SCREAMING!!! This is Trever during his first visit to the chiropractor. We still go monthly to keep him all adjusted and happy!!
 My new running shoes!! Well, in August they were new! I wanted to start running as soon as possible after Trever was born because I am an addict! (Addicted to running that is!)

 Making some popcorn on a Sunday evening!!

 I could watch my boys sleep for hours!!!

 Out on a walk!! I love our evening walks/runs in the summer time!
 Headed out to the field to help Daddy!
 Teaching Daddy how to run the grain cart!
 Blake and I enjoyed lots of runs around this track at the park this summer! Blake can run 2 miles non stop!!
 This is what he looks like after a 2 mile run!

 Trever's first tractor ride! Learning how to dig potatoes!
 "Just sit back and let the tractor do the work, Dad!"

 My two sets of twins!

 AHHH!!! So sweet, I could just eat him up!!

 My back bend baby! I think he learned this from all the back bends I did while prego ;)