Sunday, March 25, 2012

Holiday Fun!!

Since I am soooo very sadly behind on everything I am going to just post a bunch of pictures from Christmas and New Years. Enjoy!!

Blake loves trains so we took the boys (and Mama Bobbie, can't go anywhere without that lady!) on the Christmas train.
Trev was obviously very excited about it!


Having some cocoa and cookies!

He got his ticket punched with a "B" from the conductor.

Reading the Polar Express.

He was so excited to get a candy cane!

I loved our little tree this year.

Oh how I love our fire place during the cold months! Our stockings are made by John's mom. She made all of her kid's so when we got married she made me one and has made one for both boys also! I love them!!!

We went to the parade of lights in town. Golly, I can't believe how cute all my men are :)

How sweet is this face?!?!? Trever went with Mommy and Daddy to buy a new car a couple days before Christmas! He begged me to let him sit in the driver's seat of the ole Trailblazer one last time before we traded it in ;)

Beautiful Mt. Blanca on our drive home from Denver

Crazy big car batman!!!

My new Suburban! I love my new car!!!

Opening gifts at Uncle Keith and Aunt Laurie's

Christmas Eve in Pagosa Springs at my Aunt Lvonne's house!

Mama Sandy and Papa Doc send the boys a new wagon!!

My mom's birthday is December 29th so we decided to throw her a surprise 50th birthday party. I didn't get many pictures from the night but we had a great time. Snacked on lots of junk food, played games and had lots of laughs! I love family time!!

Somehow this lady has completely stolen my Blakey boys heart!! He would be so lost without her!

Trever is well on his way to be crazy about Mama Bobbie also!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Date night!!

My best friend and I took our boys out on a Mommy/Big Brother date! They were in need of some good alone time away from the baby brothers. First stop was at my mom's house. She gave them some sweet little boy haircuts. They were both in need of a good ol trim!

 Then we were off to grab some hot cocoa's at Mountain View!

After we were chocolated up we went to the movies!! We took them to see Chipwrecked, the third Chipmunk's movie. It was super cute. And it was so good to spend time with just the big boys. I think they really enjoyed the night also!

Blake turned THREE!!! back in December!! man I am sooo behind :( !!!

Blake loves everything cowboy so "Cowboy Birthday" was the theme of my 3 year old man's day!

John stayed up late with me trying to get these cowboy hat cupcakes down. Man, who's idea was it to have a baby a week before Christmas! SO MUCH TO DO that time of year. But I WILL make my kids' birthday's special so if it takes staying up all night then that is what I will do :)

 John is dieing to get Blake on a motorcycle but the rule is he has to learn to balance a bicycle first! So here is the Blake's practice motorcycle.  He loves it soooo much!!
 Opening gifts!

 Trever trying out Blake's new rocking chair!

 Gotta have a helmet to ride a bike!!

He picked up on the pedaling thing really fast!

Trever enjoying Mama Martha's lap!

The great grandparents having a great conversation!

Jello Popcorn!

Goody bags for the kiddos!


I can't believe this little man has been in our lives for three whole years!! Blake loves all things boy! Well, maybe not all things. He would rather be playing tractors in the dirt, shooting guns with Daddy, riding motorcycles and tractors, drinking morning coffee with his Mommy, reading books and flying airplanes than throwing a ball anyday. He is a real farm boy. I have to admit, there has been lots of days that he likes to try my patience but I wouldn't trade those days for a million bucks!! I feel like he has taught us as much as we have taught him! I pray that we have many many many more years of teaching him and learning from him! LOVE YOU MY BLAKEY DUDEY!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thanksgiving in the warm country!

Oh man, I don't even know where to begin with this post! My mom has a brother that lives a bit South of Phoenix, AZ so the ENTIRE family (except one cousin :( ) made the drive down there for Thanksgiving. it was so much fun! There were 20 adults and 11 kids all in the same house for 4 days!!! I can't even begin to tell you how full our hearts were when we came home!! We are truely blessed to be in such a loving family!!

Weeks before we left I had told Blake that we were going on a trip. So we started singing the theme song to Little Einstein's (a kids show on the Disney Channel). "We going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, shooting to the sky, Little Einsteins!" So Then Blake got it in his head that our Trailblazer was a rocketship. It was funny because rockets just showed up randomly along the whole trip.

I found rocket themed Goldfish crackers at the grocery store for car snacks.

So we left our house on Monday evening before Thanksgiving and drove all the way to Flagstaff, AZ. I love road trips with my Love. I love the time that we have together and have no choice but to talk to eachother!! We get so caught up in everyday life sometimes and I love being stuck next to him in the car!! Not to mention, I think it is great for our kids to learn that not everything is instant. Driving a long time in the car waiting patiently for something really fun and grand is important for them to learn I think.

 Snuggling in the hotel bed in Flagstaff.

Blake and I snuck down to have some cereal for breakfast while John and Trever slept in. Blake was watching the news like he knew what was going on. Too cute!

We got back on the road and headed to Phoenix. Our first stop was at Cabela's. John had never been to one. He now knows that it is kids are NO FUN to shop with and that is why I always want him to watch them while I go shopping! But for the most part our Cabela's experience was fun!!

John's first time seeing saguaro cactus.

The drive from Flagstaff to Phoenix was pretty and the scenery changes so much down that highway!

 John and Blake had fun "shoothing" things at Cabela's.

 I love all the animals there. It was the only thing that kept Blake happy!
(not that you can tell in this picture!)

Trever was just happy to be out of this carseat!

Our next stop was the Phoenix Children's Museum. Blake hadn't napped so we were pushing it but wanted to so something fun for Blake on our vacation. It turned out to be great fun!! I wish I lived in the city! We would be taking regular trips, ecspecially during these long Colorado winters!!

 This was a three story climbing thing. Kinda like the one's at McDonald's only ten times better and not a creepy! John and Blake climbed all over that thing for a LONG time!! I think I am going to build one in our back yard this summer. ;)
 Another ROCKET!! They had an art studio with this huge rocket that the kids could paint all over! I thought that was a really fun idea!! They also had a craft area and had the kids making some sort of turkey leg handband (was really a fun idea) but when we got to that station there was a family that had a OUT OF CONTROL child and Blake tends to pick up on other kids bad habits in a hurry so we scidadled out of there!
 Riding a "car" through a carwash!! I think I will also build one of these!!!

 Starting em out young! His Daddy won't grocery shop for  me so maybe I can get Blake trained to do it!!!

This dragon was out front. I think that it used to be in the art studio for the kids to paint also.

My sister and her family were in town also doing their own little family adventure so we met up with them for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. On our way there of course Blake fell asleep. So John carried him in and we were seated at the very back with the elephants that look real and make LOTS of noise. Blake woke up in the middle of dinner scared to death!! It would be a bit scary to have monkeys hanging from trees and elephants flinging their trunks around right infront of your face!!

This was Blake as he was crawling up on my lap scared to death!!

After dinner we headed to my Uncle Mikes house!!! We got a much needed good nights sleep. There is nothing like sleeping in on vacation!!
John and Trever sleeping in. How come Daddy gets all the morning snuggles?

On Wednesday we spent the whole day just hanging out and relaxing as more family arrived. There weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

 Weston and Blake running shirtless!
 Wowzers that sunshine was BRIGHT!! or maybe it was just the love bouncing off this man :)
He is my world!
 Grandma Sue and Glenpa watching all the kiddos going nutso!
 My lovely sister!
 AMON!!! Oh how I love this baby!!
 Might just be the best Mama Bobbie in the world!
 Glenpa had to get in on the yard action!
 Taking a nap in the sun with Aunt Sandra
My miniature man!

Thanksgiving morning a group of the gang got up at the crack of dawn and ran the Mesa Turkey Trot!! What a great way to start a day! Family and exercise!!!

 LOTS of people!!!
So excited to race!!
Chillin with the babe :)
from left to right.....Oliver, Chet, Lvonne, Terry, Daddio, Mommy holding Amon, Me holding Trever man, Mike and DeEtte!!!! 
Grandma Sue and Glenpa snuck out of this picture somehow?!?!

 Glenpa, Gma Sue, Terry, Lvonne, Chet hiding back there, ME, Oliver, Mom is watching her mind float to the heavens (we are still trying to help her find it!) Mike, and DeEtte holding Hadley
Blake, Weston and Hadley getting ready to cheer us on!

What a fun race that was!! There was a 2 mile walk/run, and a 10k run. Everyone but Mom, Grandma Sue and Glenpa ran the 10k. I ROCKED that race! I can't remember now what my time was but I showed that road who was boss ;) No really, I did! And I haven't hardly fit in any runs since then :( BOO HOO!!!

They chaos back at the house was insane! Everyone was trying to sneak into the shower while the kitchen was boiling over with all the women of the family trying to prep and cook dinner! It was so fun!!

The rest of the day was full of laughing and talking!!! A LOT OF LAUGHING AND TALKING!!! The noise was absolutely beautiful!! There is nothing life family!

 Something about this picture of the living room full of family sharing a great day together makes my heart smile!!  Definately something to be thankful for and I don't take it for granted one bit!!
 This is my beautiful cousin Brianne holding her baby girl Millie and my cousin Amy's little man Cru. The babies are only maybe a few weeks apart. My Grandma Sue was blessed with 4 great grandkids in 2011!!
Trever and Millie are 6 months apart! She is so stinking tiny!

 Hadley and Chloe being girls!
 So these next few pictures are not going to make much sense to most people but for my sister, Teal and Brianne they will. I also feel like the laughter going on in them represents our whole week together as a family! LOVE IT!!
 Basically, we were talking about how ticklish Teal is and so DeEtte was trying everything possible to tickle her. She didn't even have to lay a hand on her and Teal was in tears because it tickled so bad!!

This was the WHOLE family (except my cousin Shea who we missed a ton)!!!
These are all of my Grandma Sue's great grandkids! She is so blessed!!
On Friday we did some Black Friday Driving, I mean Shopping!! Golly, every time I go to the city I remember why we don't live in the city!! Besides the fact that my husband is a farmer and you can't farm in the city, THE DRIVING ANYWHERE TAKES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!

 Trever, Millie and Amon had a little pow wow about who was gonna puke, poop, sleep and cry at what time and in what department of the stores so that we would have to tend to the babies and not buy anything!
 Cousin Millie is large (or tiny) and in charge!! Off to lunch we go!!!!
Last night of vacation!! Man, I have some REALLY REALLY handsome men in my life