We have never taken Blake to do any "real" trick or treating. I kinda feel like he doesn't really NEED all that junk anyway. So we took the boys to visit some family members and then we went to the fire department where John is a fireman. They take an ambulance out on the town and when they see a group of kids they pull over and all the kids run to the ambulance and get candy. Blake handed out candy with Daddy this year while Trever and I snuggled to stay warm in the back of the ambulance. It was a fun night for us!!
My little Curious George and his Banana. I was pretty proud of my sewing skills. No patters at all :)
Trever rode down in the step of the ambulance most of the time. I love his little banana top hanging out!!
It took a little bit to convince Blake that it was ok to share all the candy with all the kids. He thought, "How dare you guys take all this candy, its MINE!" After awhile he loved it and did a great job helping Daddy!