Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The last days!!!

I have been having a really hard time emotionally these last days of this pregnancy. I am sad that Blake won't be my baby anymore. We have been catching him climb EVERYTHING, which makes me realize he is growing up. I told him the other night, when we found him climbing up into the attic on the scary ladder like the one on Toy Story 3, "Good thing Mommy is having another baby because you are such a big boy!!" In which he replied, "YEP!!" I have enjoyed every bit of the last 2.5 years of this little boys life. Some days have been very trying to say the least! But I have told myself from the day I had him that I would cherish every single moment with this child, good and bad moments, because at any minute he could not be with me anymore! So I have enjoyed every late night feeding, every diaper change, every teething issue, every fit, every mess he has made, every run I take with him (even though lots of them I would rather be out on my own) every new word he learns.....I love this kids so much it hurts! He is my little buddy and always will be :)

I am getting a little nervous for my c-section. Since this will be my second I know more what to expect but I am not looking forward to the recovery. With Blake it took me about 4 months to feel completely normal and able to do workouts all the way without feeling like my stomach was ripping apart.  I will be 37 weeks on Friday and I stopped going to spin class when I was 35 weeks. I decided it was time to slow down a bit before I had a baby at the gym. I am still going to yoga 2 days a week though. And it really makes me sad thinking about not being able to go while I am recovering :( I love the way it makes me feel both physically and mentally. It is a much needed "Jonna" time that I need in order to stay sain! Hopefully since I have stayed in ten times better shape this pregnancy then my recovery will be ten times better and I can get back on the boat soon!!! Somedays I feel like I would like to just stay pregnant so that I don't have to take time off! Silly I know!!

I am starting to get a little nervous about how John and I are going to mesh with having two kids. We have an awesome marriage. Growing up I never would have imagined that I would be blessed with such an awesome guy! But when it comes to getting out of the house on time, which is a huge pet peeve of mine, John, well, ok I will just say it, HE SUCKS at it!! Drives me batty!!! Hopefully we get this timing thing down in a hurry so that we don't have too many little fueds ;)

I am so excited to find out if there is a little boy or little girl in my belly!! It was so much fun when our Blakey was born to just sit and stare at this new little being that we knew absolutely nothing about! We picked out each little detail. Who's ears, nose, mouth, toes, fingers and eyes he had! I can't wait to do that with this baby also!! BUT as I sit here and type this this baby is going nuts rolling, kicking and hiccupping in my tummy! I am really going to miss that! I don't remember feeling this sad about not being pregnant with Blake. I just remember wanting it over, mostly because I was so sick and in pain I think. John has said many many times that we are only having two kids so I think that is were these emotions are coming from. Thinking about this being the last kicks, rolls and hiccups I will ever feel inside of me makes me sad. Growing a baby inside of you is such a special thing! God is so good!!!

Ok enough blabbing! I am off to go read a book to a special little guy and tuck him into bed.

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