Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My John!!

I have never been able to take a decent picture of John. He absolutely HATES having his picture taken!! He blames it on having it taken so much growing up. Well yesterday I was able to capture a good one!  He has such a great smile and perfect teeth and when he is smiling his eyes smile too!!!

I am madly in love with this man!! Who would have ever thought that me, plain Jane Jonna, could be blessed with someone who treats her like this man does!!! Golly, I don't deserve him but I sure will keep him....FOREVER!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How GREAT is our God!!!

Man I sure am glad we didn't miss church this morning!! Our pastor had such a great message to share. Do you believe in God? Do you have faith in God? He mentioned that 8 out of 10 Americans admit to believing in God but do they really put all of their faith in God? Or are they putting their faith in material things? Money, cars, houses, sports, work, school? ANYTHING is possible when we BELIEVE and have FAITH that it is GOD's will (not ours) for things to be done. We need to live our lives putting all of our faith in Him.

It's not about how great your faith is, it's about how great your God is!!!!!

I admit that I believe in God and I have TONS of faith in Him, but from this day foward I vow to put every bit of faith that I have in God and nothing else!! I will live for him fully!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


When I was pregnant with Blake I remember every bone and muscle aching with pains all the time!! Not to mention that I threw up pretty much my whole pregnancy along with MANY other issues that I had. This time around I have to admit that I feel better than I have felt in a long long time. Tomorrow I will be 27 weeks :):):) Only 12 more weeks to go!!!!

I have continued to do yoga 2 times a week at our local health club and I don't know how I survived my first pregnancy without it!! I don't wake up with random aches and pains anymore. I don't have headaches!!! ( I had migraines for days at a time with Blake!) I feel so good somedays I honestly forget I am pregnant, that is until I look in the mirror!! Holy belly and boobs!!! If there is anything I would recommend to any pregnant woman it is DO YOGA!!!!!! (and drink a milkshake after hehehe)


Blake and I were on a walk the other evening and he once again decided about 1/2 from home that it was his turn to get out of the jogger and run. I couldn't turn down exercise from the kid so of course I let him out. Much to my suprise he didn't want to run:!!?!?! Instead he just wanted to hold his mommy's hand all the way back home. Funny that kids always know just when you need that extra lovin' for the day!!

He hasn't felt good the last couple of days. I am pretty sure it is his last 2 two year molars coming in but whatever it is sure makes him snuggle :) Most days he could careless about getting all snuggly with me but when he isn't feeling quite up to par he needs his momma!! I actually told all the parents I babysit for yesterday that I couldn't watch kids today. First, I felt like if my boy needed ALL of my attention then ALL of my attention he was gonna get!! Second, this prego girl is wiped out!!! So I felt a day of rest was needed for both of us. We went for a walk this morning and then while Blake napped I slept for an hour and a half also!

So for today's lesson I learned that I am madly in love with my little man and I am also madly in love with the fact that I could spend the day at home doing nothing!!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Pink Piggy Bank

When I was in the hospital having Blake a friend brought us a gift. She just knew we were having a baby girl (we didn't know what we were expecting) so she had bought a sweet pink piggy bank. To her suprise we had a little man. The pink pig has been sitting on a shelf in Blakes room since the day we brought him home. I rearranged his room the other night while I was hit with some crazy nesting spell. Blake and the baby are going to have to share a room so I was trying to make room for the crib to be put back up. Blake found the piggy bank when I was moving the shelf across the room. He seems to think he has never ever seen it before, let alone anything as cool as it in his life!!! Right away he put the piggy on his bed and went to bed with the silly thing. The next morning I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when I heard a sweet little Blake come in and say, " Look mom!! My Pig!!" The pig has to eat, sleep and play with Blake now. He is one silly boy!!! I think I need to be on the look out for a piggy bank that is a little more manly and probably needs to be plastic if it is going to be apart of our everyday lives!!

Blake getting ready to feed his "new" pig breakfast!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Not Feelin' So Guilty!!!

It is hard work to be a wife and mom!! But who doesn't know that already!?!? Lots of work that doesn't get noticed or appreciated gets done. It is kind of like a "behind the scenes" job! Before I had Blake I would get my occasional workout in but felt like it wasn't a priority. Spending time with John and his hobbies was more of a priority. Well, since I have this little person in my life that completely depends on me and sucks lots and lots of energy from me I have decided that there has to be some "momma time" in my day. I feel like in order for me to do the best job I can as a wife and mom I need to have my daily workout! It really makes a huge difference in how I tackle my day. It is a great time for me to have my daily talk with God! I get everything off my chest in the 30 minutes or more that I get alone. I go back to my daily duties a whole new person and feel wonderful about my job as a wife and mom!

I got a really nice double jogger for my baby shower when I was pregnant with Blake. I can't tell you how many miles Blake and I have put on that thing! I prefer to get my runs (that have turned into walks now that I am pregnant) in before John and Blake are even out of bed or other workouts in during nap time. But if that doesn't happen then Blake and I load up and hit the dirt! I think it is great for him to see his mom working out and staying healthy. Hopefully it sticks and he will grow up to lead an active life.

I also really enjoy yoga at the local health club. It is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I try my hardest to make it to both sessions. I have wonderful friends and family that love having Blake come play while I go to the yoga. So thankful for that! My Uncle Dan also teaches a spin class during the winter on the same nights as yoga so I normally stay for a good cardio workout also. It is truly amazing what a good sweat does for my head!! I come home feeling so good and it helps me keep a good attitude about everything going on in life!

I have created a running monster!! Blake will run a mile with me with no problem at all! He is great at pacing himself, can't wait for a couple more years and he is really gonna be putting some miles in with me :) :)

So for me having a guilty day today by sending Blake away to be with Grandma Bobbie I realized that it is Thursday :) which means I get to go to the gym tonight for yoga and spin and get to come home with a fresh attitude and will be ready to tackle life again!!! I don't feel guilty at all for my workouts because it really does benefit my little family!!! I have told John since the beginning of our marriage, "Happy wife happy life!!"

Feelin' Guilty!!

I love my little Blake so much but somedays I feel so overwhelmed! I think the majority of the problem is that I also babysit up to 4 other kids!!!! I am starting to feel guilty about having other kids around. I know it is not hurting Blake to have to learn to share ALL of his toys and to treat others with respect, but somedays  breaking up two year olds fights all day long just is more than I can handle!! I have babysat one of my best friends little boys (who is five months older than Blake) since she had to go back to work when he was seven months old, and he is now 2 1/2 years old. So in other words, he and Blake are pretty much like brothers! They have days when they play really well together all day long then days like this week has been when they think that fighting is the way of life! My Blake is kind of a loner when it comes to playing. He is just like John, likes to have some "me" time!!  Well this morning I couldn't break up anymore fights, I WAS DONE!!! My wonderful momma doesn't work on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I picked up my phone and begged my mom to take Blake and let him have a whole day to himself. Of course she agreed because who can resist his sweet little smile?? Now, I am sitting in my house with my other "son" and feeling sooooo guilty that I sent my little Blakey away!!! I feel like a failure when I just can't do it anymore!! I feel guilty that my son is the one that got sent away for the day :( I feel guilty that when he is home he has to share his mommy all day long!! I feel guilty that I have no patience lately!! I know it is a normal mom thing to feel guilty about the smallest things! Grr!! I am not going to know what to do when I have this baby in June and get to stay home with just my kiddos for a whole six weeks!!!! Wow that was a hole bunch of babbling!!!