Saturday, April 6, 2013


One beautiful morning in February Trev woke up SICK!!! He was perfectly fine the night before when he went to bed, but that morning he had a pretty nasty fever and seemed to be struggling to breath. By noon he was in terrible shape so I got a Dr. appointment at 2:00. As the time went on he was getting so back he could hardly keep his eyes open. I left to the Dr. early thinking that if I got there early then they could squeeze him in. On the way I was watching him in the backseat and he was struggling to stay awake at all. I was reaching back and doing everything I could to make him come to but there he wouldn't pick his head up at all! So I did what I felt was best and that was to skip the Dr. appointment and go straight to the ER. They took one look at him and put him on oxygen and gave him a breathing treatment. After 4 hours in that place and tests they said he had RSV. So they sent us home with oxygen and saline breathing treatments and said it will take time to go away.
I had NO clue it was going to be as rough as it was! My poor little man was a bump on a log on the couch! There was no getting him to play. All he did was sleep :( Which was so heartbreaking to watch because this kid is nonstop action! John and I took turns sleeping with him because he was so uncomfortable and in pain that he just tossed and turned and would get tangled in his tubing. It was ten times worse than having a newborn! But as each day went on it got harder and harder for us to get any liquids down him. On day five I once again make an executive decision and we took him back to the ER for an IV! My mommy instincts just knew that if he could get his little tank filled up then he would be on the mend! Sure enough!! We brought him home that night and he slept all night for the first time since getting sick! From that day on he got better and better!! LOTS of prayers were being said for our poor Trever man and for that I am so thankful! We have some super awesome prayer warriors in our life!!
This RSV junk was so bad this year! I have never heard of so many kiddos getting it! In just our little playgroup there were four other babies that were down with it also! I am so glad summer is almost here and we can get outside in the fresh air all day long and not be stuck inside with sick bugs!

Say What?

Since the day I gave birth to this little man John has been dreaming of the day he could buy him a motorcycle! We would see little boys riding at races and John couldn't help but think of the day his Blake could do the same!
See!! Pretty sure right here John was trying to convincing Blake to grow up faster so he could ride motorcycles! I think they spent many hours talking about this in the last four years!!

But the deal has always been that he could have a motorcycle once he learned how to ride his bicycle without training wheels! I had no clue he was going to learn how to do that when he was 3 1/2!!! Yikes! The instant that happened John was on the lookout for a motorcycle!!
WELL....John found one in February from a guy that sells them chemicals for the farm.
Trever had to give it a try! The thought of having a motorcycle was soooo super exciting to Blake but he was a bit scared to actually get on and give it a go!  It took about two weeks for him to work up the nerve but once he did.........
He is HOOKED!!!! And his daddy couldn't be more proud and excited! The next couple years until Trever can ride is going to be so hard! The poor boy is already eating, sleeping and pooping motorcycles!! That's all he talks about is Daddy and Gakey's (Blakey's) motorcycles!
Lord, Please keep my babies safe!!! What is this momma going to do with herself when her boys are off doing boy things and I am left home alone?!?!