We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Vacation. As always we packed the week as full as physically possible! In the olden days when it was just John and I we used to drive straight there, 24 hours!!! Having kids kind of slows the trip down a bit. We made it to Oklahoma City where our sister in-law is stationed in the Air Force. She got us a room on base to stay the night so we could stretch out in beds and get some rest. Man that night's sleep was great!!
Blake was a great traveler. He was happy with snacks and movies the whole time.
Trever on the other hand is NOT a good traveler. He screamed probably 75% of the drive! Getting to our destination on both sides of the trip never felt so good!! Man, I hope he grows our of that!!!
Here are just some pictures of what went on......
John cut down a HUGE dead tree. Well he started with this tree then hunted down six more!! He was felt like a real man that night! Nothing like the power of a chainsaw and a big ole BOOM!!
Had to take a family picture by the stump :)
Blake learned how to play "big boy games" with his uncles.
The boys taught aunt Marian how to finger-paint.
Cleaning up some leaves....golly, that is a never ending job in the south!! SO MANY TREES!!!
Teaching Uncle Nathaniel how to mow.
John's big kill;)
Learning how to roller skate. Right after I took this picture Blake took a good crash!! Oops!
Two of John's sisters and a brother and I ran a four mile turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning. I kicked some booty ;) Love me some racin!!!
Telling Mama Freida about life in Colorado.
Blake had so much fun playing a bunch of different games with Aunt Marian.
Getting some Uncle Brad time in!
All of the boys went to play in a paintball tournament. They rock the do rags well!
The only thing that would have made this picture more perfect is if Aunt Kat was in it!!
We did our Christmas gift exchange while we were there. Blake was so excited to open gifts!!
He got a real flight suit just like Uncle Dan Dan's! It even has his name on it!! John's brother is training to fly jets in the Air Force.
Here is the newest couple in the family, Daniel and Melodie!
More camo!
Opening gifts from Mama Freida and Papa John.
Trever got a big ol Pooh Bear!
I love this picture!
Blake got to open an early birthday present from Mama Sandy and Papa Doc.
A Larry Mobile!! He has been wanting one forever!!
My sweet little man going for a walk down the driveway!!
We are so thankful for time we get so spend with family!!!